You hate being ignored  ;  We love making you feel adored  :

That’s why we provide a dedicated account manager for you and your small business. We’re your partner in making business easy — so if there’s anything you want to do, any problem you need solved, we’ll make it happen, all year round.

What’s not to love?

Stop hating. Start saving.

Business owner
Name of business

Our service commitment

Whether you’re after space or attention, we’ll give you what you need.

No matter your business size or budget, we’re an extension of your team, ready to make things happen. Just get in touch and we’ll handle the rest. It’s that simple.

Level 1

We’ll only contact you when you ask us to.

Level 2

When there’s something of interest, we’ll share it.

Level 3

We’re on speed dial. Consider us one of your employees.

Don't just take it from us

See why more people are connecting with Beevo

Lisa Cox

Yalca Dairy Farm

“It was easy, efficient and friendly. We maximised savings and there was minimal fuss in transferring providers.”

Shannon Bolding

Max Employment

“They provided valuable information while we were looking to consolidate our energy usage to a single provider, and made the process of getting this up and running easy, saving us time and resources.”

Charlotte Hyne

Concourse Golf

“I was very impressed on how easy this was. I would highly recommend Beevo to any commercial business” 

Lisa Dobson

Beyond Welding

“Saving me the time of shopping around for  different connections and organising stuff like our Motorpass card has been huge. These are all the things I didn’t have to organise myself.”